Thursday, February 5, 2009

First dinner in Italy

When I first got to Italy. My mom, dad, and I went to a restaurant called El Capitan and I noticed that when they gave us bread for an appitizer that they did not put olive oil out. At first I always thought that in Italy they would have olive oil with their bread, but they don't. Although, all of the Italian restaurant's in Portland have olive oil with bread. But, my mom said that Italians do have olive oil with their bread, but not very often.


  1. Glad to hear you arrived safely. Nice first post! Of course it is about food! Hey, will you visit the Cultures page? That way, there will be a red dot on the map on Italy! Actually, if you travel to any other countries, you could visit the page again. Thanks!

  2. Hi Libby -- So did they put butter out? What an interesting thing to notice! Susan B-B

  3. No, they did not put butter out either. Just bread. The bread is made with no oil or salt. It is still delicious!
