Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Eating in Italy

There are things that are similar and different about eating in Italy. First of all, Italians eat their biggest meal for lunch. Italians eat dinner at 8:00 P.M. A lot later than America. Italians and Americans both like pasta, pizza and sandwiches. Italian pizza is very thin and it does not have very much crust. Italians have a Antipasti or appetizers then Primi or first course, Secondi or Second course. After that they have Dolci or Dessert and Contorni or Sides.
Typical things that you would find on a menu in a restaraunt in Siena:

Bruschetta: toasted bread with sauces on top (both easy to make and tasty)
Pane con formaggio e miele: bread with chesse and honey

Ribollita: a vegetable soup
Papa al pomodoro: tomato and stale bread soup (really good)
Carbonara: spaghetti with a cream sauce and ham (good, but really rich and filling)

Ossobucco: veal with olive oil and a sauce (very delicious)
Fiorentina: stake (I have not had this yet, but I am sure it is great)

Spinaci con olio e aglio: spinach with olive oil and garlic (I like this)
Patate Fritte: patatoe (good, but it is different for every restaraunt

I usually just get a Primi, since I would not be able to eat Secondi too. Almost all Italian restaraunts are good!

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